Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Monday 18 December - Sunday 24 December 2017

This week you’d be best advised to emulate the attitudes of the children (rather than those of the seriously minded adults) around you. Take on the mind of someone small and remember the magical delights of this time of year. You presently have the need to renew your feeling of optimism and hope and good cheer as you are in slight danger of descending into an unaccustomed gloom. The end is not nigh – no matter how awful you fear things might turn out. If you proceed in a negative fashion then this is more than likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Conversely, if you can manage to put some effort into reawakening your childhood sense of wonder and magic you’ll find that things turn out in such a way that your situation develops into one in which you can take some real, solid pleasure. Believe and receive!

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